A world of difference

Joycelin Sundiata 6 years old

Joycelin Sundiata is one of four siblings. She is in KG1, which is the equivalent of Scottish P1 and English Reception, and is really bright.

Her mother is a petty trader - she goes from household to household asking for discarded palm nut kernels after they've made high grade red oil from the kernels that she makes into low grade brown cooking oil. A really filthy job. Her father is a subsistence farmer and farms red peppers.

Last summer, through no fault of their own, their house burnt down and they lost everything. Well I say 'house' but it was just one room.

That Joycelin is sponsored to attend our school is making all the difference to the family, as well as to Joycelin herself. The parents told us that when we found a sponsor for Joycelin after their house burnt down it made them feel so much better that someone on the ‘outside’ cared enough to help.